Andrew Oberstar

I don't write here often, but I also work on open source projects.

7 Languages: Io

March 10, 2012

Chapter 2 of 7 Languages in 7 Weeks is on the Io programming language. Io is a prototypical (like JavaScript) object oriented language. JavaScript usually gives me a bad taste in my mouth, because the prototype style just doesn't feel right. However, now that I have more experience with Io's prototyping, I can see the power. I wouldn't want to build an application with prototypes, but I see now that they have their place.

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7 Languages: Ruby

March 8, 2012

I did end up buying Seven Languages in Seven Weeks. This book covers the following languages:

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Relearning PHP

February 28, 2012

Very little of my programming life has been outside of the JVM world. Java was the primary language at my college, and is the primary language at my workplace. Recently, I've gotten into Groovy, which is a dynamic language for the JVM. I dabbled a small amount in C++ and PHP, but didn't stick with them.

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Unit Testing Legislation

January 12, 2012

Just think how cool it would be if you could run unit tests on legislation...

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January 12, 2012

Jon Stewart had a great interview with Senator Jim DeMint (R-IL) on last night's The Daily Show. You can watch the full episode here. You should really watch the extended interview (about 25 minutes) that's linked on the page.

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